Source code for eSCAPE.mesher.unstructuredmesh

# Copyright 2017-2018 Tristan Salles
# This file is part of eSCAPE.
# eSCAPE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# eSCAPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with eSCAPE.  If not, see <>.

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from mpi4py import MPI
import sys,petsc4py
from petsc4py import PETSc
from time import clock
import warnings;warnings.simplefilter('ignore')

import meshio
import meshplex

from eSCAPE._fortran import defineGTIN
from eSCAPE._fortran import defineTIN
from eSCAPE._fortran import slpBounds
from eSCAPE._fortran import flatBounds

from scipy.spatial import cKDTree as _cKDTree
from scipy.interpolate import CloughTocher2DInterpolator

MPIrank = PETSc.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()
MPIsize = PETSc.COMM_WORLD.Get_size()

try: range = xrange
except: pass

[docs]class UnstMesh(object): """ Creating a distributed DMPlex and global vector from it based on triangulated mesh """ def __init__(self, filename, dim=2): self.natural2local = None # Define mesh attributes on root processor t0 = clock() t = clock() gpoints = np.zeros(1) if MPIrank == 0: cells = np.asarray(self.mdata.cells['triangle'], dtype=np.int32) coords = np.asarray(self.mdata.points, dtype=np.double) MPIcomm.bcast(cells.shape, root=0) MPIcomm.bcast(coords.shape, root=0) elev = self.mdata.point_data[filename[1]] gpoints[0] = len(coords) if self.verbose: print('Extract information (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t)) t = clock() Gmesh = meshplex.mesh_tri.MeshTri(coords, cells) if self.verbose: print('Reading meshplex meshtri (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t)) t = clock() Gmesh.mark_boundary() if self.verbose: print('Mark boundary TIN (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t)) ids = np.arange(0, len(Gmesh.node_coords), dtype=int) self.boundGlob = ids[Gmesh._is_boundary_node] t = clock() Gmesh.create_edges() if self.verbose: print('Defining edges TIN (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t)) t = clock() self.Gmesh_ngbNbs, self.Gmesh_ngbID = defineGTIN(gpoints[0], Gmesh.cells['nodes'], Gmesh.edges['nodes']) if self.verbose: print('Defining global TIN (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t)) del Gmesh, ids else: cell_shape = list(MPIcomm.bcast(None, root=0)) coord_shape = list(MPIcomm.bcast(None, root=0)) cell_shape[0] = 0 coord_shape[0] = 0 cells = np.zeros(cell_shape, dtype=np.int32) coords = np.zeros(coord_shape, dtype=np.double) elev = np.zeros(coord_shape[0], dtype=np.double) self.Gmesh_ngbNbs = None self.Gmesh_ngbID = None gcoords = None MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, gpoints, op=MPI.MAX) self.gpoints = int(gpoints[0]) self.gcoords = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(coords, root=0) if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Reading mesh information (%0.02f seconds)' % (clock() - t0)) # Create DMPlex t = clock() self._create_DMPlex(dim, coords, cells, elev) if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Creating Petsc DMPlex (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t)) # Define local vertex & cells t = clock() cStart, cEnd = # Dealing with triangular cells only self.lcells = np.zeros((cEnd-cStart,3), dtype=PETSc.IntType) for c in range(cStart, cEnd): point_closure =[0] self.lcells[c,:] = point_closure[-3:]-cEnd del point_closure if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Defining local DMPlex (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t)) # Create mesh structure with meshplex t = clock() # Define mesh characteristics Tmesh = meshplex.mesh_tri.MeshTri(self.lcoords, self.lcells) self.FVmesh_area = np.abs(Tmesh.control_volumes) self.FVmesh_area[np.isnan(self.FVmesh_area)] = 1. self.boundary, self.localboundIDs = self._get_boundary() self.gbds = self.boundary.astype(int) # Voronoi and simplices declaration coords = Tmesh.node_coords Tmesh.create_edges() cc = Tmesh.cell_circumcenters edges_nodes = Tmesh.edges['nodes'] cells_nodes = Tmesh.cells['nodes'] cells_edges = Tmesh.cells['edges'] if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Voronoi creation (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t)) # Tesselation on unstructured mesh t = clock() self.FVmesh_ngbNbs, self.FVmesh_ngbID, self.FVmesh_edgeLgt, \ self.FVmesh_voroDist = defineTIN(coords, cells_nodes, cells_edges, edges_nodes, self.FVmesh_area, cc.T) if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Tesselation (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t)) self.bL = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.bG = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.stepED = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.stepEDL = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.vSed = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.vSedLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.diffDep = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.diffDepLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.hOld = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.hOldLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.drainArea = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.drainAreaLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() areaLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.areaGlobal = self.hGlobal.duplicate() areaLocal.setArray(self.FVmesh_area), self.areaGlobal), areaLocal) self.FVmesh_Garea = self.areaGlobal.getArray().copy() areaLocal.destroy() self.cumED = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.cumED.set(0.0) self.cumEDLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.cumEDLocal.set(0.0) self.shedID = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.shedIDLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.Es = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.Es.set(0.0) self.Eb = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.Eb.set(0.0) self.EsLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.EsLocal.set(0.0) self.EbLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() self.EbLocal.set(0.0) self._getSoilThickness() if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Finite volume mesh declaration (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t0)) return def _naturalNumbering(self,coords): """ Natural numbering based on DMPlex distribution Args: coords: mesh coordinates """ self.lcoords =,3) self.npoints = self.lcoords.shape[0] if MPIsize > 1: tree = _cKDTree(coords[:,:2]) distances, nat2loc = tree.query(self.lcoords[:,:2], 1) self.natural2local = nat2loc.copy() del tree,distances, nat2loc else: self.natural2local = np.arange(0,self.npoints,dtype=int) return def _create_DMPlex(self, dim, coords, cells, elev): """ Create a PETSc DMPlex object from the mesh attributes Args: dim: mesh dimensions coords: mesh coordinates cells: cell nodes indices elev: nodes elevation """ t0 = clock() = PETSc.DMPlex().createFromCellList(dim, cells, coords, comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD) if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Create DMPlex (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t0)) # Create boundary labels t0 = clock() label = "boundary" self._set_DMPlex_boundary_points(label) # label coarse DM in case it is ever needed again"coarse") pStart, pEnd = for pt in range(pStart, pEnd):"coarse", pt, 1) # Define one DoF on the nodes origSect =, [1,0,0]) origSect.setFieldName(0, "points") origSect.setUp() origVec = # Distribute to other processors if any if MPIsize > 1: sf = newSect, newVec =, origSect, origVec) newSect.destroy() newVec.destroy() sf.destroy() origVec.destroy() origSect.destroy() self.hGlobal = self.hLocal = self.sizes = self.hGlobal.getSizes(), self.hGlobal.getSizes() # Local/Global mapping self.lgmap_row = l2g = self.lgmap_row.indices.copy() offproc = l2g < 0 l2g[offproc] = -(l2g[offproc] + 1) self.lgmap_col = PETSc.LGMap().create(l2g, comm=PETSc.COMM_WORLD) del l2g if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Distribute DMPlex (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t0)) # Get natural numbering t0 = clock() coords = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(coords, root=0) elev = MPI.COMM_WORLD.bcast(elev, root=0) self._naturalNumbering(coords) self.hLocal.setArray(elev[self.natural2local]), self.hGlobal), self.hLocal) if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Distribute field to DMPlex (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t0)) # Forcing event number self.rainNb = -1 self.tecNb = -1 return def _getSoilThickness(self): """ Specify initial soil thickness """ self.Hsoil = self.hGlobal.duplicate() self.HsoilLocal = self.hLocal.duplicate() if pd.isnull(self.soildata['sUni'][0]): mdata =[0,1]) soilH = mdata.point_data[self.soildata.iloc[0,2]] del mdata else: soilH = np.full(len(self.elev),self.soildata.iloc[0,0]) self.HsoilLocal.setArray(soilH[self.natural2local]), self.Hsoil, 1), self.HsoilLocal, 1) del soilH return def _get_boundary(self, label="boundary"): """ Find the nodes on the boundary from the DM """ bmask = np.ones(self.npoints, dtype=bool) pStart, pEnd = labels = [] for i in range( labels.append( if label not in labels: raise ValueError("There is no {} label in the DM".format(label)) stratSize =, 1) if stratSize > 0: labelIS =, 1) pt_range = np.logical_and(labelIS.indices >= pStart, labelIS.indices < pEnd) indices = labelIS.indices[pt_range] - pStart labelIS.destroy() else: indices = np.zeros((0,), bmask[indices] = False return bmask, indices
[docs] def updateBoundaries(self): """ Apply boundary forcing for slope and flat conditions. """ t0 = clock() if self.tNow > self.tStart : hArray = self.hLocal.getArray().copy() edArray = self.cumEDLocal.getArray().copy() if self.boundCond == 'slope' : bElev, bDep = slpBounds(hArray, edArray, self.idGBounds, self.gbds) elif self.boundCond == 'flat' : bElev, bDep = flatBounds(hArray, edArray, self.idGBounds, self.gbds) else: bElev = hArray.copy() bDep = edArray.copy() self.hLocal.setArray(bElev) self.cumEDLocal.setArray(bDep) del bElev, hArray, bDep, edArray, self.hGlobal, 1), self.cumED, 1) if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Update Boundaries (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t0))
[docs] def applyForces(self): """ Find the different values for climatic and tectonic forces that will be applied to the considered time interval """ t0 = clock() # Sea level self.sealevel = self.seafunction(self.tNow+self.dt) # Climate self._updateRain() # Tectonic self._updateTectonic() if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Update External Forces (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t0)) return
def _updateRain(self): """ Find the current rain values for the considered time interval """ if self.raindata is None : self.rainFlag = False return nb = self.rainNb if nb < len(self.raindata)-1 : if self.raindata.iloc[nb+1,0] <= self.tNow+self.dt : nb += 1 if nb > self.rainNb or nb == -1: if nb == -1: nb = 0 self.rainNb = nb if pd.isnull(self.raindata['rUni'][nb]): mdata =[nb,2]) rainArea = mdata.point_data[self.raindata.iloc[nb,3]] del mdata else: rainArea = np.full(len(self.elev),self.raindata.iloc[nb,1]) self.rainArea = rainArea[self.natural2local]*self.FVmesh_area if rainArea.max() > 0.: self.rainFlag = True else: self.rainFlag = False localZ = self.hLocal.getArray() seaID = localZ<self.sealevel rainArea = self.rainArea.copy() rainArea[seaID] = 0. rainArea[self.idGBounds] = 0. self.bL.setArray(rainArea), self.bG, 1), self.bL, 1) del rainArea return def _updateTectonic(self): """ Find the current tectonic rates for the considered time interval """ if self.tecdata is None : self.tectonic = None return nb = self.tecNb if nb < len(self.tecdata)-1 : if self.tecdata.iloc[nb+1,0] <= self.tNow+self.dt : nb += 1 if nb > self.tecNb or nb == -1: if nb == -1: nb = 0 self.tecNb = nb if pd.isnull(self.tecdata['tUni'][nb]): # Horizontal displacements along X-axis flagAdvection = False if not pd.isnull(self.tecdata['tMapX'][nb]): mdata =[nb,2]) tectonicX = mdata.point_data[self.tecdata.iloc[nb,5]] flagAdvection = True del mdata else: tectonicX = np.zeros(self.gpoints) # Horizontal displacements along Y-axis if not pd.isnull(self.tecdata['tMapY'][nb]): mdata =[nb,3]) tectonicY = mdata.point_data[self.tecdata.iloc[nb,6]] flagAdvection = True del mdata else: tectonicY = np.zeros(self.gpoints) # Vertical displacements if self.sphere == 0: if not pd.isnull(self.tecdata['tMapZ'][nb]): mdata =[nb,4]) tectonic = mdata.point_data[self.tecdata.iloc[nb,7]] self.tectonic = tectonic[self.natural2local]*self.dt del mdata,tectonic else: tectonic = np.zeros(len(self.elev)) self.tectonic = tectonic[self.natural2local] del tectonic else: if not pd.isnull(self.tecdata['tMapZ'][nb]): mdata =[nb,4]) tectonicZ = mdata.point_data[self.tecdata.iloc[nb,7]] else: tectonicZ = np.zeros(self.gpoints) tectonic = np.zeros(len(self.elev)) self.tectonic = tectonic[self.natural2local] del tectonic if flagAdvection: if nb < len(self.tecdata.index)-1: timer = self.tecdata.iloc[nb+1,0]-self.tecdata.iloc[nb,0] else: timer = self.tEnd-self.tecdata.iloc[nb,0] if self.sphere == 0: self._meshAdvector(tectonicX, tectonicY, timer) del tectonicX, tectonicY else: self._meshAdvectorSphere(tectonicX, tectonicY, tectonicZ, timer) del tectonicX, tectonicY, tectonicZ else: tectonic = np.full(len(self.elev),self.tecdata.iloc[self.tecNb,1]) self.tectonic = tectonic[self.natural2local]*self.dt del tectonic # Assign null displacements on the domain boundaries if self.boundCond == 'fixed' : self.tectonic[self.idGBounds] = 0. # Update elevation if self.tNow+self.dt > self.tStart: localZ = self.hLocal.getArray() localZ += self.tectonic self.hLocal.setArray(localZ.reshape(-1)), self.hGlobal, 1), self.hLocal, 1) return def _meshAdvector(self, tectonicX, tectonicY, timer): """ Advect the mesh horizontally and interpolate mesh information """ # Move horizontally coordinates XYZ = np.zeros((self.gpoints,3)) XYZ[:,0] = self.gcoords[:,0] + tectonicX*timer XYZ[:,1] = self.gcoords[:,1] + tectonicY*timer # Get mesh variables to interpolate # Elevation elev = np.zeros(self.gpoints) elev.fill(-1.e8) elev[self.natural2local] = self.hLocal.getArray().copy() MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, elev, op=MPI.MAX) interpolator = CloughTocher2DInterpolator(XYZ[:,:2],elev) nelev = interpolator(self.lcoords[:,:2]) id_NaNs = np.isnan(nelev) nelev[id_NaNs] = 0. # Erosion/deposition erodep = np.zeros(self.gpoints) erodep.fill(-1.e8) erodep[self.natural2local] = self.cumEDLocal.getArray().copy() MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, erodep, op=MPI.MAX) interpolator = CloughTocher2DInterpolator(XYZ[:,:2],erodep) nerodep = interpolator(self.lcoords[:,:2]) nerodep[id_NaNs] = 0. # Soil thickness if self.Ksed > 0.: soil = np.zeros(self.gpoints) soil.fill(-1.e8) soil[self.natural2local] = self.HsoilLocal.getArray().copy() MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, soil, op=MPI.MAX) interpolator = CloughTocher2DInterpolator(XYZ[:,:2],soil) nsoil = interpolator(self.lcoords[:,:2]) nsoil[id_NaNs] = 0. # Build kd-tree tree = _cKDTree(XYZ) distances, indices = tree.query(self.lcoords[id_NaNs,:], k=10) # Inverse weighting distance... weights = 1.0 / distances**2 onIDs = np.where(distances[:,0] == 0)[0] nelev[id_NaNs] = np.sum(weights*elev[indices],axis=1)/np.sum(weights, axis=1) self.hLocal.setArray(nelev), self.hGlobal, 1), self.hLocal, 1) del elev, nelev self.cumEDLocal.setArray(nerodep), self.cumED, 1), self.cumEDLocal, 1) del erodep, nerodep if self.Ksed > 0.: self.HsoilLocal.setArray(nsoil), self.Hsoil, 1), self.HsoilLocal, 1) del soil, nsoil del XYZ, tree, weights, distances, indices return def _meshAdvectorSphere(self, tectonicX, tectonicY, tectonicZ, timer): """ Advect spherical mesh horizontally and interpolate mesh information """ # Move coordinates XYZ = np.zeros((self.gpoints,3)) XYZ[:,0] = tectonicX #self.gcoords[:,0] + tectonicX*timer XYZ[:,1] = tectonicY #self.gcoords[:,1] + tectonicY*timer XYZ[:,2] = tectonicZ #self.gcoords[:,2] + tectonicZ*timer XYZ = XYZ[1:] # Get mesh variables to interpolate # Elevation elev = np.zeros(self.gpoints) elev.fill(-1.e8) elev[self.natural2local] = self.hLocal.getArray().copy() MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, elev, op=MPI.MAX) elev = elev[1:] # Erosion/deposition erodep = np.zeros(self.gpoints) erodep.fill(-1.e8) erodep[self.natural2local] = self.cumEDLocal.getArray().copy() MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, erodep, op=MPI.MAX) erodep = erodep[1:] # Soil thickness if self.Ksed > 0.: soil = np.zeros(self.gpoints) soil.fill(-1.e8) soil[self.natural2local] = self.HsoilLocal.getArray().copy() MPI.COMM_WORLD.Allreduce(MPI.IN_PLACE, soil, op=MPI.MAX) soil = soil[1:] # Build kd-tree tree = _cKDTree(XYZ) distances, indices = tree.query(self.lcoords, k=10) # Inverse weighting distance... weights = 1.0 / distances**2 onIDs = np.where(distances[:,0] == 0)[0] nelev = np.sum(weights*elev[indices],axis=1)/np.sum(weights, axis=1) nerodep = np.sum(weights*erodep[indices],axis=1)/np.sum(weights, axis=1) if self.Ksed > 0.: nsoil = np.sum(weights*soil[indices],axis=1)/np.sum(weights, axis=1) if len(onIDs)>0: nelev[onIDs] = elev[indices[onIDs,0]] nerodep[onIDs] = erodep[indices[onIDs,0]] if self.Ksed > 0.: nsoil[onIDs] = soil[indices[onIDs,0]] self.hLocal.setArray(nelev), self.hGlobal, 1), self.hLocal, 1) del elev, nelev self.cumEDLocal.setArray(nerodep), self.cumED, 1), self.cumEDLocal, 1) del erodep, nerodep if self.Ksed > 0.: self.HsoilLocal.setArray(nsoil), self.Hsoil, 1), self.HsoilLocal, 1) del soil, nsoil del XYZ, tree, weights, distances, indices return def _set_DMPlex_boundary_points(self, label): """ Finds the points that join the edges that have been marked as "boundary" faces in the DAG then sets them as boundaries. """ pStart, pEnd = # points eStart, eEnd = # edges edgeIS =, 1) if edgeIS and eEnd - eStart > 0: edge_mask = np.logical_and(edgeIS.indices >= eStart, edgeIS.indices < eEnd) boundary_edges = edgeIS.indices[edge_mask] # Query the DAG (directed acyclic graph) for points that join an edge for edge in boundary_edges: vertices = # mark the boundary points for vertex in vertices:, vertex, 1) del vertices edgeIS.destroy() return
[docs] def destroy_DMPlex(self): """ Destroy PETSc DMPlex objects and associated Petsc local/global Vectors and Matrices. """ t0 = clock() self.bL.destroy() self.bG.destroy() self.hOld.destroy() self.hOldLocal.destroy() self.shedID.destroy() self.shedIDLocal.destroy() self.cumED.destroy() self.cumEDLocal.destroy() self.drainArea.destroy() self.drainAreaLocal.destroy() self.vSed.destroy() self.vSedLocal.destroy() self.stepED.destroy() self.stepEDL.destroy() self.areaGlobal.destroy() self.diffDep.destroy() self.diffDepLocal.destroy() self.hLocal.destroy() self.hGlobal.destroy() self.fillGlobal.destroy() self.fillLocal.destroy() self.Es.destroy() self.Eb.destroy() self.EsLocal.destroy() self.EbLocal.destroy() self.Hsoil.destroy() self.HsoilLocal.destroy() self.iMat.destroy() self.lgmap_col.destroy() self.lgmap_row.destroy() if self.Cd > 0.: self.Diff.destroy() del self.lcoords self.vLoc.destroy() self.vecG.destroy() self.FAL.destroy() self.FAG.destroy() self.vecL.destroy() self.seaG.destroy() self.seaL.destroy() self.tmpG.destroy() self.tmpL.destroy() self.vGlob.destroy() self.sedLoadLocal.destroy() if MPIrank == 0 and self.verbose: print('Cleaning Model Dataset (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - t0)) return