Source code for eSCAPE

# Copyright 2017-2018 Tristan Salles
# This file is part of eSCAPE.
# eSCAPE is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.
# eSCAPE is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with eSCAPE.  If not, see <>.

**LandscapeEvolutionModel** super class is the main entry point for eSCAPE and contains an
*inherited class* (LandscapeEvolutionModelClass) that defines the following 3 main functions:

.. list-table::
    :header-rows: 1
    :widths: 10 60
    :stub-columns: 1
    :align: left

    *  -  Main functions
       -  Summary
    *  -  LandscapeEvolutionModel()
       -  Instantiates eSCAPE model object and performs surface processes evolution.
    *  -  runProcesses()
       -  Run eSCAPE Earth surface processes.
    *  -  destroy()
       -  Destroy PETSc DMPlex objects and associated Petsc local/global Vectors and Matrices.

A typical call to eSCAPE will be like this

.. code-block:: python

    import eSCAPE as sim

    # Reading input file
    model = sim.LandscapeEvolutionModel('input_globe.yml',False,False)

    # Running model

    # Cleaning model


import petsc4py,sys
from time import clock
from mpi4py import MPI
from .mesher import UnstMesh as _UnstMesh
from .pit import UnstPit as _UnstPit
from .tools import ReadYaml as _ReadYaml
from .tools import WriteMesh as _WriteMesh
from petsc4py import PETSc as _PETSc
from .flow import SPMesh as _SPMesh

from . import tools

MPIrank = MPI.COMM_WORLD.Get_rank()

[docs]def LandscapeEvolutionModel(filename, *args, **kwargs): """ Instantiates eSCAPE model object and performs surface processes evolution. This object contains methods for the following operations: - initialisation of eSCAPE mesh based on input file options. - computation of surface processes - cleaning/destruction of PETSC objects Args filename : YAML input file verbose : True/False Output option for model main functions showlog : True/False Output option for PETSC logging file Returns: LandscapeEvolutionModel : object """ class LandscapeEvolutionModelClass(_ReadYaml, _WriteMesh, _UnstMesh, _UnstPit, _SPMesh): def __init__(self, filename, verbose=True, showlog=False, *args, **kwargs): self.showlog = showlog if self.showlog: self.log = _PETSc.Log() self.log.begin() self.modelRunTime = clock() self.verbose = verbose _ReadYaml.__init__(self, filename) _UnstMesh.__init__(self, self.meshFile, *args, **kwargs) _WriteMesh.__init__(self) # Surface processes initialisation _SPMesh.__init__(self,*args, **kwargs) # Pit filling algorithm initialisation _UnstPit.__init__(self,*args, **kwargs) # Get external forces _UnstMesh.applyForces(self) if MPIrank == 0: print('--- Initialisation Phase (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - self.modelRunTime)) return def runProcesses(self): """ Run eSCAPE Earth surface processes. This function contains methods for the following operations: - calculating flow accumulation - erosion/deposition induced by stream power law - depression identification and pit filling - stream induced deposition diffusion - hillslope diffusion """ while(self.tNow<=self.tEnd): tstep = clock() # Compute Flow Accumulation _SPMesh.FlowAccumulation(self, filled=False) # Output time step for first step if self.tNow == self.tStart: _WriteMesh.outputMesh(self, remesh=False) self.saveTime += self.tout # Compute Erosion using Stream Power Law _SPMesh.cptErosion(self) # Compute Deposition and Sediment Flux _SPMesh.cptSedFlux(self) # Find depressions and fill them _UnstPit.getDepressions(self) # Compute Deposition in Depressions _SPMesh.depositDepressions(self) # Compute Flow Accumulation on Filled Elevation if self.excess: # Transport Sediment Downstream _SPMesh.downSediment(self) # Marine deposition _SPMesh.marineDeposition(self) # Apply diffusion to deposited sediments if self.frac_fine < 1.: _SPMesh.SedimentDiffusion(self) # Compute Hillslope Diffusion Law _SPMesh.HillSlope(self) # Update Boundaries _UnstMesh.updateBoundaries(self) # Output time step if self.tNow >= self.saveTime: _WriteMesh.outputMesh(self, remesh=False) self.saveTime += self.tout # Update Tectonic, Sea-level & Climatic conditions if self.tNow<self.tEnd: _UnstMesh.applyForces(self) # Advance time self.tNow += self.dt if MPIrank == 0: print('--- Computational Step (%0.02f seconds)'% (clock() - tstep)) return def destroy(self): """ Destroy PETSc DMPlex objects and associated Petsc local/global Vectors and Matrices. Safely quit eSCAPE model. """ _UnstMesh.destroy_DMPlex(self) if self.showlog: self.log.view() if MPIrank == 0: print('\n+++\n+++ Total run time (%0.02f seconds)\n+++'% (clock() - self.modelRunTime)) return return LandscapeEvolutionModelClass(filename, *args, **kwargs)